We swapped microphones every few words for this one. Walk calmly but quickly away from Steven Tyler and ask: Were we supposed to do basslines for all of them? Which 30-year-old cheerleader is it not unlike? What does Jewel think about all this? For fans of: VH1 through the ages, authorial intent, and desperately grasping for Run DMC’s coattails.
I say we give the robots a shot at it, see what they come up with. Come with us if you want to live...
Just say the wooooooooooord. Se-self-confidence. Scrunch up your sleeves as we get suckered in by the craft and ask: you can, but should you?...
It was all happening, man. You just had to be there. Follow us around and ask: can we try that again? Where’s the noodling?...